Monday, November 29, 2010

These Days...

Busy Break

Thanksgiving was anything but rest and relaxation. Thanksgiving afternoon I drove up to Austin for the Texas game. The experience of going to a Texas game in Austin was really fun, despite A&M playing poorly. We won the game nonetheless, and we got out of there just before freezing to death. The next day I went to my cousin's rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, a very enjoyable time. My siblings and I used this time to draw names for Christmas. This year we decided to just draw one person to buy a present for, instead of buying six presents (literally). This is going to be interesting. I am all for it though. Now I can not only save money but focus on a more personal styled gift. My cousin's wedding was awesome of course. From playing "The Final Countdown" as their entrance to the reception to having Futurama characters on their cake, they had one of the more dorky awesome weddings I have been to. Sunday morning consisted of me driving back to Houston and then up to college station completing a event filled family break consisting of the two things we do the most: eating and driving.

Back to the everyday now. I have 3 classes that are borderline A/B's. I'm just ready to be done with this semester. This week I will probably spend around $600 on records and another $150 in December on gifts probably. This should be interesting with my bank account...

I'm not looking forward to the cold, but I am now ready for the cold due to the purchase by my dad of two new jackets for me. A good pick me up this month. Counting down the days until Christmas break...

P.S. My cousin had the musicians at the wedding play her college fight song (UT). I think that is one of the more cool things you could do at a wedding. If you went to a good college you're proud of, you should play your fight song at your wedding. That is all.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Land of Confusion

The Switch
As I have had a Macbook Pro for over a year now I have learned some extraordinary differences from PC. Even though I am infatuated with Macbooks (not necessarily Apple), I have also seen some drawbacks. First, Skype has not updated Mac OS skype nearly as far as they have Microsoft's. This is obviously a skype issue, but it is still annoying when your PC skype friends can do things like play board games with each other and you can't. Come on Skype; I would venture to guess that there are just as many if not more mac users using skype than PC.

I used to be more than competent at using a PC, but now when I switch back it is like watching a Mac noob trying to figure out how to use the trackpad when they have never used a mac. It's embarrassing.
I had better learn to adapt to both if I plan on working for a business because I will need to be able to use a PC. Despite how amazing Macs are, they still lack the business dimension. For me, it's not just the security, I honestly like using Microsoft Office on PC better than OS, despite already admitting that you have to use Microsoft Office on OS. Apple's versions of Microsoft office are just impractical.
Another downside to a Macbook Pro is the price. I can't blame Apple for this one though. It's economics. They have the perfect price set to achieve optimal profits. I would do the same thing. So from a business standpoint it is a success, while from a consumer standpoint it really sucks to dish out a couple k for a high end mac.
The worst difference between Macs and PC's are the people. You are either far left or far right. Obviously from all these graphics, it is easy to glean that some very enthusiastic geeks are out to prove a point. PC snobs talk down to Mac users saying they are simple and confined while Mac snobs talk down to PC users saying Windows is a failure of a system. They both have points. I started using iMovie last year to explore movie making possibilities. It was great. I had fun and was able to become a master at iMovie. The problem is that I became a master. When I started trying to do new things and get things exactly how I wanted, I realized I couldn't. iMovie is limited to a short range of tasks, but sometimes it's the simpler pleasures that make the difference...
One of the more surprising things to me when I got a Mac was iTunes. I had iTunes on my PC, but it's a different story now. iTunes was made for mac (like Microsoft Office was made for Windows). It runs bug free and MUCH faster now. It syncs with my iPod better (which is also made for Mac). This has saved me countless time and frustration. Even though Mac does have it's glitchy moments (the rainbow wheel of death), it is much better than the glitches you receive from Windows. Less viruses yada yada yada...some old song people have been singing, but it's true. iMovie (and similar applications) does have it's limitations, but I would have never created movies without the simplicity it first presented. The operating system of OS is much smoother running for the majority of a college student's purposes.
If I weigh the pros and cons, for me, Apple has me for computers, but I recognize the many uses you would want for having a PC. It just comes down to that Venn Diagram towards the top. What do you need/want a computer for?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Paranoid Android

Dear Verizon,
Please do not add the iPhone to our network.
Hands down Verizon has a better network than AT&T. I don't know if I could say this pre-iPhone era, but I can say it safely now. I have a good view point of view to critique this coverage because my mom has had both an iPhone and a Droid. She had the iPhone first. She loved the apps and such, but she both works for a business and likes to use her phone for uses like calling and texting people, unheard of, so she switched to the Droid (some big businesses don't allow employees to have iPhones due to the lack of security). The best uses for iPhones is to have a friend who has one so you can steal it occasionally to play a time wasting game. I'd like to continue to text and call people even if my phone sadly does not carry a compass. If I had the money, I would definitely invest in the Droid, which is currently outselling the iPhone. It is a smart phone with plenty of apps. The kicker for me, is that it makes phone calls and texts. I don't even need to go into the antenna debacle with the iPhone 4. Another great thing is that it learns how you text and adapts. The iphone? It auto-corrects, poorly at that. My sister showed me a link to a site showing funny graphics; which, of course I loved. It shows screenshots of iPhones auto-correcting failures. I have spent a good waste of time on this site today.

I'm sure every iPhone holder has some similar stories. Don't get me wrong though, I do not hate the iPhone. It has many cool uses, but for a phone I would want something with a more reliable network. The iTouch is a much smarter buy for me.

If you are reading this post, I compel you to buy me a meal this week. That is all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I don't know about your week, but my week was hell. Here are a few pictures to liven your mood...

This next one epitomizes my current English class....

In honor of going to the movies tonight....

A couple of the best movies of all time...

Shallow post I know...funny none the less...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Wasted Time

Try it!
So I came across this list of TV shows that were scored by Political Parties. So, I picked out which shows I like and added up the scores. You add the scores in parenthesis to the other party (2 scores for each show). See what you get!

I scored 936 for Republican and 1,020 for Democrats. Basically, I am in the middle. Tell me what you get!

Apple Of My Eye

The morning after...

The Baylor game! What a couple of days. Drove up to Waco with Nick Ebner to support the Aggies
against Baylor. There were thousands of Aggies. So many, that when we sang the fight song you could hear it louder than Baylor's. It was epic. The Aggies had a rough first half, but after controversial first half calls, they came out fired up for the second half. Wrecking Crew finally showed up in the second half after a shaky first. Baylor didn't score in the second half. There were 2 hits so crazy, they left the crowd in shock. It was uncontested in the second half. A&M is now in the top 20. Good season so far. Maroon out this week against Nebraska.

Now Accepting Donations

It's hard to concentrate on studying today (It's gonna end up being an all-nighter). It's hard to concentrate because I have a bunch of listings on ebay. I am trying to raise $600 to buy this:

What you are looking at is the following:

1 x White Stripes 7-inch red vinyl “Merry Christmas from The White Stripes”
{value incalculable}
1 x custom White Stripes Nixon headphones
{value $225}
1 x custom White Stripes portable record player
{value $165}
1 x custom White Stripes LP vinyl carrying box
{value $80}
1 x custom White Stripes 7-inch vinyl carrying box
{value $40}
1 x custom White Stripes record cleaning brush
{value $22.50}
1 x custom White Stripes turntable slip mat
{value $10}
3 x custom White Stripes vinyl adapters (aka 45rpm “middles”)
{value $9}
Yes I am crazy, but I've raised $300 in a 4 days.

Spring Break

Looks like I may be going up to my sister's place in Colorado to do some serious skiing. I've never been before, but I may be learning to on Aggie Mountain, which is not ideal but better than nothing. Hopefully this trip pans out. If it does, It will be a long road trip with at least 4 other guys. I can't wait.

It's Funny Because It's True

Two posts in one day? We'll see...

P.S. Pray for me. Love you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lord, Send Me an Angel

This last weekend I had the enjoyment of attending my sister's, Katherine, wedding. The wedding was incredible. From the vintage invitations on 45 records (swore she stole my idea ;) to the beautiful chapel that she was married in, the same one my parents were mind you. The entire evening was filled with excitement. This is the second wedding I have been an usher in. I feel the experience from the first time, plus 5 or so years, helped me better fulfill my special duty of ushering. I was a success. We rehearsed the wedding to a tee,  but there were a few slip ups. That is to be expected, and I thought it actually makes sense. Life isn't perfect. Nothing goes exactly according to plan, but when you step back and look at things they will either be a success or not. This wedding was a success. I went to the wedding with the lovely Miss Grace Courtright, one of my dearest friends. She was awesome as usual. We took some awesome pictures, had some great conversation, bonding with family, and avoided, unsuccessfully, people thinking we were dating. Good Times. Here's to a hell of a wedding Katherine and Cody Foote (KFC ;)

One More Cup of Coffee

School just got rough. Real Fast. It was looking like I'd coast into the end of the semester with 3 A's and a B, maybe better. Now, it seems I will be fortunate to get over a 3.0. Math sucks. Going back to the very first post I had, I hate math. It may require me grade excluding it and retaking it a community college. Life. If I get an A on my last political science test, I get an A; If I get a B, I end up with a B. Life. History is a similar story. Archery is amazing as usual. Enough of bad news....

Right on Time

I was worried about what I am going to do this summer. Now, after a talk with a good friend of the family, it appears it is likely I will get an internship at a law firm this summer. I am scrambling to get my new college resume together now. I am a little nervous about not having a GPR yet and not having much experience, but I have to start somewhere right? In other good news, I am going to the Texas A&M game in Austin this year compliments of the gracious Aunt and Uncle. They gave me and my siblings some fantastics tickets in the alumni section.

Life is up and down. Now I will leave ya'll with two graphs. One is a good stupid laugh, and the other one is funny because it is so true...
Love ya'll

P.S. Have you seen my bottle of liquid courage? I have misplaced it....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Same Old Thing

10 A.M. Automatic
College has been awesome so far. One of the hi-lights of last week was Halloween. My brother, David, and I dressed up like the Black Keys. A former Indie band from Akron, Ohio that plays Southern Blues and Rock. They are amazing. They held a look-a-like contest on their website so we entered in. You can see us on their webpage on the third page maybe? (It changes)
I died my hair black for this. I originally thought it would look bad, but it turned out not so bad. Let me know what you think...

"Old until the moment of your last breath!"
Inside joke between my sister and me.
My sister, Katherine, is being married away on Saturday. I will be going back down to Houston for the wedding this weekend (yes, missing the OU game). I am going to be an usher in the wedding. Hooray! At least no singing like last time ;)
Seriously, I am happy to be going to her wedding and can't wait to be a apart of it. (Like her getting the records from me ;)

The worst times during school is before test, while the best time during school is after tests. Currently, I am done with tests so I am in a relaxed mood. It's great. Let's hang out.

Finally, I am unsure about what I want to do in summers between semesters. I was set on studying abroad, but now I think that an internship would be better. Thinking of internships either in DC or in a law firm. I need some feedback for real on which direction I should head.

I love you all

P.S. Listen to Pony Up by Kings of Leon.