Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lord, Send Me an Angel

This last weekend I had the enjoyment of attending my sister's, Katherine, wedding. The wedding was incredible. From the vintage invitations on 45 records (swore she stole my idea ;) to the beautiful chapel that she was married in, the same one my parents were mind you. The entire evening was filled with excitement. This is the second wedding I have been an usher in. I feel the experience from the first time, plus 5 or so years, helped me better fulfill my special duty of ushering. I was a success. We rehearsed the wedding to a tee,  but there were a few slip ups. That is to be expected, and I thought it actually makes sense. Life isn't perfect. Nothing goes exactly according to plan, but when you step back and look at things they will either be a success or not. This wedding was a success. I went to the wedding with the lovely Miss Grace Courtright, one of my dearest friends. She was awesome as usual. We took some awesome pictures, had some great conversation, bonding with family, and avoided, unsuccessfully, people thinking we were dating. Good Times. Here's to a hell of a wedding Katherine and Cody Foote (KFC ;)

One More Cup of Coffee

School just got rough. Real Fast. It was looking like I'd coast into the end of the semester with 3 A's and a B, maybe better. Now, it seems I will be fortunate to get over a 3.0. Math sucks. Going back to the very first post I had, I hate math. It may require me grade excluding it and retaking it a community college. Life. If I get an A on my last political science test, I get an A; If I get a B, I end up with a B. Life. History is a similar story. Archery is amazing as usual. Enough of bad news....

Right on Time

I was worried about what I am going to do this summer. Now, after a talk with a good friend of the family, it appears it is likely I will get an internship at a law firm this summer. I am scrambling to get my new college resume together now. I am a little nervous about not having a GPR yet and not having much experience, but I have to start somewhere right? In other good news, I am going to the Texas A&M game in Austin this year compliments of the gracious Aunt and Uncle. They gave me and my siblings some fantastics tickets in the alumni section.

Life is up and down. Now I will leave ya'll with two graphs. One is a good stupid laugh, and the other one is funny because it is so true...
Love ya'll

P.S. Have you seen my bottle of liquid courage? I have misplaced it....

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