Sunday, November 21, 2010

Paranoid Android

Dear Verizon,
Please do not add the iPhone to our network.
Hands down Verizon has a better network than AT&T. I don't know if I could say this pre-iPhone era, but I can say it safely now. I have a good view point of view to critique this coverage because my mom has had both an iPhone and a Droid. She had the iPhone first. She loved the apps and such, but she both works for a business and likes to use her phone for uses like calling and texting people, unheard of, so she switched to the Droid (some big businesses don't allow employees to have iPhones due to the lack of security). The best uses for iPhones is to have a friend who has one so you can steal it occasionally to play a time wasting game. I'd like to continue to text and call people even if my phone sadly does not carry a compass. If I had the money, I would definitely invest in the Droid, which is currently outselling the iPhone. It is a smart phone with plenty of apps. The kicker for me, is that it makes phone calls and texts. I don't even need to go into the antenna debacle with the iPhone 4. Another great thing is that it learns how you text and adapts. The iphone? It auto-corrects, poorly at that. My sister showed me a link to a site showing funny graphics; which, of course I loved. It shows screenshots of iPhones auto-correcting failures. I have spent a good waste of time on this site today.

I'm sure every iPhone holder has some similar stories. Don't get me wrong though, I do not hate the iPhone. It has many cool uses, but for a phone I would want something with a more reliable network. The iTouch is a much smarter buy for me.

If you are reading this post, I compel you to buy me a meal this week. That is all.


  1. Correction: The Android platform is outselling the iPhone, not the Droid.

  2. take a looksie at that last article again...the droid isn't outselling the iPhone lol. it just outsold it through the first 74 days. learn to read lol:

  3. hey anonymous, how can we listen to you respectfully when we don't know who you are. You could be steve jobs, trolling around looking for more commoners to tramp on.

  4. Nah, instead it's most likely a bitter tu fan who is depressed at the lack of talent their football team has this year (no but seriously it is). So, he has nothing better than to troll, and I am still reading info on the Droid still having better sales than the iPhone currently. They have not passed up iPhone in current raw numbers out there, but we'll see. Steve Jobs also admitted it was outselling the iPhone.

  5. Actually it is more likely someone who finds your self-promoting bore of blog about as entertaining as a 12 year old girl blogging about the Jonas Brothers.

  6. Yet he keeps reading it... so he secretly likes the Jonas brothers, and this is his way of outing yourself (we will still love you) or just loves contradicting himself in an effort to achieve a false sense of superiority. Either way, in this instance I would agree drinking should be your better choice.
    P.S. Bore of a blog not "bore of blog." We can't all be English majors.

  7. I wonder if anonymous is my sister lol
    "Actually it is more likely someone who finds your self-promoting bore of blog about as entertaining as a 12 year old girl blogging about the Jonas Brothers." That totally sounds like her.

  8. That's possible, but who I think it is is more likely because he actually has an iPhone. I like the comparison though! haha

  9. It seriously wasn't me lol, I would have pointed out that you (hilariously) misspelled imbecile.
