I'm sitting here watching the Texans have their typical sub-par first half, to say the least. My break has gone great so far. Significantly less responsibilities combined with late nights with friends has been the theme of these last 5 days. It's been a good rest from a hectic first semester. I still haven't seen all the people I want to , but that will happen. I just finished helping my mom wrap presents for the Jeans' family. For those of you who don't know who they are, they are the family that my family has given Christmas presents to for 20+ years. My parents met them at our old church way back then and decided to sacrifice some money and time to give presents to their 12 kids who are less fortunate than us. It has been a blessing every year, and, honestly, this means more to us than the usual selfish, capitalistic season this is. Tonight, we head over to their house to deliver gifts, catch up, and sing Christmas songs.
In other news, True Grit comes out December 22nd. I am feeling a little midnight showing birthday celebration.
If you are traveling this month then I thank you for serving our country. The TSA's new policy on flight security is at its best, and I wish I could take a part in keeping America safe too. People are complaining about being looked at and being violated. Suck it up. This is America. A woman went on CNN news and complained about having to take out her prosthetic breast for the woman searching her. She was completely "embarrassed" and "ashamed." First of all, you shouldn't be ashamed to be a breast cancer survivor. Secondly, if you were so embarrassed you wouldn't be signing up to go on national news and talk about it. For the people who diligently claim this is a violation of constitutional liberties, sit down and shut up. This is completely fair. You lose your certain liberties when everyone else's liberties are at risk. So for the greater good of the 200 other people on the flight, be happy you get to be semi-groped, and like it. One guy had an interesting idea as to what to do about security. He called it "Free Market Air." He said you should get rid of the TSA and let the individual airlines decide how tight to make their security. This way if you were a timid person you could fly on a relaxed "bring any contraband you like" airline. Problem solved? As 9 years ago shows us, the issue isn't people on the plane, it's people one the ground or in buildings. So that is perhaps the worst idea to fix security. It doesn't need fixin'.
Happy Holidays
That is such a genius marketing ploy. Now if you have religious differences with Christians, you don't need to worry. It's the holidays, not Christmas. If you don't believe in Christmas, you shouldn't celebrate it. There is no logic in celebrating in something you don't believe in. TV stations and stores are worried about offending everyone so they've switched over to saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." It's offensive to Christians is what it is. Most likely, this is the first step in just creating a co-existing holiday with Christmas. I wouldn't be surprised down the road, but hey what can you do? "Happy Holidays is what terrorists say!" -30 Rock
On a serious note, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. I hope to see most of you. Cheers.
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