Friday, December 3, 2010


My Record Player is Long Gone
No worries, I have another record player in the mail. Today, I worried that I will be out of touch with everyone younger than me, or even the same age as me. At least musically that is... When I told a guy in my dorm hall I have a record player in my room, he asked if I was a DJ. That's sad. Most friends that have never been in my dorm ask me to play a record on the player. Yesterday, Amanda Kirkscey had me play a record (a Black Keys record mind you), and she had the most shocked/happy/surprised reaction that there was sound coming of off the black circular disk. That's awesome. Most of my friends don't understand my obsession/collection of vinyls...on the other hand most 30+ year olds think it's the coolest thing ever that a young person has such an obsession. A little like the 70 year old volunteers at the voting center were excited when they saw me walk in the door. A lot of people tell me that vinyls are antiques and vintage history. This can be true, but vinyl is not dead. All of my favorite musicians know enough to keep releasing on vinyl. I love my vinyls. Everything about them is what music is supposed to be. The sound quality is immensely superior to that of audio files or cd's. The sleeves have large artwork of the album which actually makes it art! I could go on...

Instinct Blues
My favorite genre of music is blues. I love blues from every generation. I am searching for some vinyls from black blues artists from the 50's. Yes, I think that is cool.
I don't know if I would be considered "open" when it comes to music. I hate the majority of rap and pop and perhaps as Alyssa puts it "John hates everything mainstream." This is not entirely true, but I am ok with it. I am always finding new bands I fall in love with though so I think that gives me some degree of openness.

Music is infectious. It's very interesting. I infect people with my music all the time. People show me new stuff that I end up becoming crazy about. That's part of the joy of it all. Music is discovery. I am gonna wrap this up now because I am rambling, but if you ever wanna talk about this I am ALWAYS up for it.

To end, these are some bands or songs I am currently obsessed with:

Anything Jack White (Dead Weather, Raconteurs, White Stripes)
Kings of Leon's first two albums and Back Down South
Black Keys
Led Zeppelin revival
The Kills
The Happen-ins
You Only Live Once-The Strokes
Something- Beatles

Could go on for pages but I'm done.

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